Its history dates back to 2500 years ago, when the first Greek colonists settled in this part of Italy, attracted by the beauty of the Area and the presence of safe harbors.
Today Numana is a village of 3,000 inhabitants, and summer arrives to host more than 50,000 visitors.
The origin of Numana dates back to ancient times. Already in the fourth and fifth centuries B.C., Numana was becoming an important commercial center in the Greek world. Through her port flowed products from Greece destined to regions further north, as well as all of Picenium. With the conquest of the Piceni by the Romans, the city was placed under Roman servitude but maintained an important role. During the middle ages Numana entered a period of gradual and steady decline passing from that of a commercial center among the maritime pentopolis to a mere fishing village. It was at the beginning of the 900’s that Numana is rediscovered by Roman nobility as a “summerhouse” or resort area ideal for summer homes. From this moment began a resurgence which would lead the city to become one of the more sought after, and prestigious tourist destinations on the Adriatic.
Conero Park
A grand beautiful stage that together combines both the beauty of the Adriatic coast and the picturesque adjacent countryside, and embraces the cities of Ancona, Camerano, Numana and Sirolo. At
the center of the park stands Monte Conero (572 mt.) a prominent peak overlooking the sea and the only major elevation between Trieste and the Gargano peninsula. The Conero geology is over 5 million years old, the mountain once provided a wealth of quarries from which the white stone of Conero was extracted and used to
build many of the buildings in the area. Here one can discover many of the tastes and flavors of region, local products from wine to olive oil, honey and delicacies such as Ciauscolo (the unique salami of the area).
The Riviera del Conero is not only a crystal sea with enchanted beaches, it is also a land of historical towns draped over the picturesque hillsides. Full of different places to discover...
A small town in the province of Macerata, known for having given birth to the very famous Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi.
The famous site of the Basilica of the Santa Casa, the city of Loreto is one of the most important, and ancient pilgrimage sites in the Catholic world.
The city of the accordion, Castelfidardo sits on a hill 212 meters high, between the valleys of the rivers Aspio and Musone. It overlooks the forest of Castelfidardo and in the distance a few kilometers away, the Riviera del Conero.
Situated in the middle of all the splendid scenery of the Parco del Conero, Camerano is known for the marvelous underground tunnels, as the centerpiece of Rosso Conero wine region and for the painter Carlo Maratti.
Like Camerano, Osimo stands out for its underground caves; the subsoil is, in fact, crossed by a dense network of tunnels, underground passages and underground environments.
A classical medieval town sitting atop a 309 mt. high hill between Ancona and Osimo. Here from the high piazza, surrounded by a beautiful medieval fortress, it's possible to admire one of the most beautiful panoramas of the Marchigiana countryside and gaze at many other ancient historical centers adorning the nearby hilltops. Don't lose the Medieval Festival at the end of July!
Capitol of the Region, Ancona possess one of Italy’s most important ports. A city of art, rich in monuments and with 2.400 years of history. It is also one of the principal economic centers of the region and a major urban area both in size and population. Stretching out toward the sea, the city rises on a promitory to form a natural elbow along the seashore. It was the Greeks of Syracuse who founded the city in 387 B.C., and called it Ankón which in Greek means elbow.
Grotte di Frasassi
The Grotte di Frasassi is a complex of underground caves situated in the area around Genga, a province of Ancona. Discovered in 1971 and open to the public since 1974, they are considered among the most beautiful in Europe.
A lively University town, Macerata is famous for the Sferisterio, which it fills during the outdoor Opera season.
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